Path: Re-Exam Application Welcome: Guest
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Following are the topics covered for the re-exam application:  
  Before filling out your re-exam application, please read the following thoroughly.

 Re-exam Applications  
Some of our forms are in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view and print these forms. Click the Adobe logo to download a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Some forms allow you to fill them out on-screen and print them, however, you cannot save them. It will be necessary to fill the form out each time it is opened.

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  Re-exam applications can only be completed by those who have previously applied and been approved through Arizona. The cost to apply is $50 which is payable to the Arizona State Board of Accountancy. Please allow 24 – 48 hours for processing of application.

There are four sections in the Uniform CPA Exam. Once the first section is passed, a candidate has 18 months to pass the remaining three sections. Once approved as an initial applicant, applicants are required to fill out a re-exam application to apply or reapply for any outstanding section(s) of the exam that the candidate still needs to pass within the conditioning window.

Uniform CPA Initial or Re-exam Application Form
a helpful hint Helpful Hints -- DO NOT include fees payable to NASBA for each exam section. NASBA will send a payment coupon to you for the exam section fee(s) after it receives the Authorization to Test (ATT) by the Board.
 Cancellation Form  
  After the Arizona Board of Accountancy (Board) has approved your Initial Application which qualifies you to sit for the Uniform CPA Exam or after you have submitted a Re-exam Application, Board staff submits an Authorization to Test (ATT) to the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) letting NASBA know what sections of the examination you are eligible to take.

ATT has not been sent to NASBA ATT has been sent to NASBA
If the Board receives a cancellation request for a section of the examination BEFORE Board staff has submitted the ATT to NASBA, you will not be impacted as the ATT will be amended accordingly and NASBA will send you a payment coupon and a Notice to Schedule for the amended sections of the examination. If the Board receives a cancellation request for a section of the examination AFTER Board staff has submitted the ATT to NASBA, you will forfeit your Initial or Re-Exam application fee paid directly to the Board.
If you have already paid your “payment coupon” to NASBA you will also forfeit your examination fees paid to NASBA. If you have not paid your “payment coupon” DO NOT pay it. After 90 days, your payment coupon will simply expire.
Once you are ready, you can submit a Re-exam application to the Board for the section(s) of the examination you want to take. It is strongly suggested that you not apply for a section of the examination until you are ready to take it or believe that you are able to take it during the six-month time-period for which the Notice to Schedule (NTS) is valid.

Exam Application Cancellation Form
 Address Change Form  
  If your residential or business address has changed since submitting your application, please use the following form to update your address for our records.

Change of Address Form