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Any firm wishing to change its name is prohibited from using the new name until it's approved by the Board's Executive Director. A Firm Name Change application must be submitted to the Board, along with copies of the Articles of Organization or Incorporation from the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) that documents the name change for a PLLC, LLC, or PC respectively. For partnerships and limited liability partnerships, the Board will look to ensure that a certificate amendment has been processed by the Secretary of State and the amended name has been updated on the Secretary of State’s website. The application will be reviewed by Board staff and if approved, you will receive a response from the Board conveying the approval. If recommended for denial, the matter will be reviewed by the Board, after which you will receive the Board’s response.
A.A.C. R4-1-455.03(C) regulates the use of firm names which states:
  A registrant shall not use a professional or firm name or designation that is misleading about the legal form of the firm, or about the persons who are partners, officers, members, managers, or shareholders of the firm, or about any other matter. A firm name or designation shall not include words such as "& Company," "& Associates," or "& Consultants" unless the terms refer to additional full-time CPAs that are not otherwise mentioned in the firm name.

There is no fee for changing a firm’s name with the Board.

Before requesting a firm name change, you may find it helpful to view the following FAQ, "What should be considered when naming my firm?"

Firm Name Change Application Form