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Here is some very important news and updates...  
  Notice of Proposed Expedited Rulemaking (November 2024)
Updated Rules related to Conditioned Credits and Incorporations by Reference (July 2024)
Notice of Proposed Expedited Rulemaking (March 2024)
Updated Rules related to the Uniform CPA Exam, CPA Qualifications, and Incorporations by Reference, Effective July 3, 2023 (May 2023)
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (December 2022)
Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2022)
Extension of the Board’s Temporary Biennial Registration Fee Reduction, Updated Incorporations by Reference Rules, Effective July 3, 2022 (May 2022)
Change of Address and Continuing Professional Education Rules, Effective August 1, 2021
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (December 2020)
Laws 2020, Ch. 72, (SB 1131) Effective August 25, 2020 (August 2020)
Board Adopts Mutual Recognition Agreement with the Certified Practicing Accountant Australia (June 2020)
Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2020)
Board Adopts Mutual Recognition Agreement with the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (February 2020)
Temporary Biennial Registration Fee Reduction, Streamlined Peer Review, and Firm Registration Licensing Timeframe Rules, Effective April 5, 2020 (February 2020)
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (November 2019)
Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2019)
Laws 2019, Ch. 55 (HB 2569) Effective August 27, 2019 (August 2019)
New CPE and Foreign Transcript Evaluator Rules Effective February 4, 2019 (December 2018)
Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2018)
Laws 2018, Chapter 268 (SB 1443) (July 2018)
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (June 2018)
New Peer Review and Code of Conduct Rules Effective January 1, 2018 (November 2017)
Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2017)
Rule Repealed Effective June 15, 2017 (June 2017)
Notice of Supplemental Proposed Rulemaking (April 2017)
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (January 2017)
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (December 2016)
Next version of CPA exam beginning in April 2017
Provision of Professional Services to Medical Marijuana Dispensaries by Arizona CPA’s (March 2016)
Disciplinary Transparency (December 2015)
Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2015)
Laws 2015, Chapter 207 (HB 2218) (June 2015)
Certification Committee Vacancy (March 2015)
Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2014)
Laws 2014, Chapter 136 (HB 2263) (July 2014)
Board Adopts Mutual Recognition Agreements (December 2013)
New Rules Effective February 4, 2014 (February 2014)
Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2013)
Laws 2013, Chapter 136 (HB 2260) (September 2013)
Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2012)
Board's Portal and Renewals Online (July 2012)
Changes to the Uniform CPA Examination (September 2011)
Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2011)
Changes to the Uniform CPA Examination (November 2010)
Firms Only Providing Non-disclosure Compilation Services
Uniform CPA Examination Fee Changes (August 2010)
Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2010)
New Website Launched (September 2009)
Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2009)
Exam Results (July 2009)
New CPE Requirements (January 2009)
 Notice of Proposed Expedited Rulemaking (November 2024)
  The Arizona State Board of Accountancy (Board) is pursuing expedited rulemaking to make the following changes:
  1. Permit the Board to see additional information related to the peer review process via the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA’s) Facilitated State Board Access (FSBA).
  2. Omit language in Arizona Administrative Code R4-1-345 that is no longer operative.
  3. Update incorporations by reference related to the Standards for Performing and Reporting on Peer Reviews and the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct.
  4. Make technical and clerical changes.
Public comments regarding the expedited rulemaking can be sent via mail to the Board’s office at 100 N. 15th Ave., Suite 165, Phoenix, AZ 85007 (Attn: Chris Rasmussen), or alternatively via e-mail to [email protected].

An oral proceeding will take place at the Board’s January 27, 2025, meeting at 9:00 a.m. at 100 N. 15th Ave., Suite 165, Phoenix, AZ 85007. Interested parties can attend in person or telephonically. Call-in information will be on the meeting agenda, which is posted one week before the meeting.

The following is a link to the Notice of Proposed Expedited Rulemaking

 Updated Rules related to Conditioned Credits and Incorporations by Reference (July 2024)
  Effective July 3, 2024, the Arizona State Board of Accountancy’s (Board’s) rules will be updated as follows:
  1. Extend Uniform CPA Examination (Exam) conditioned credits from 18 months to 30 months.
  2. Extend conditioned exam credits that expired between January 30, 2020, and May 11, 2023, during the national public health emergency declared by the United States Department of Health and Human Services until June 30, 2025.
  3. Update incorporations by reference related to the Standards for Performing and Reporting on Peer Reviews and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA’s) Code of Professional Conduct.
  4. Make technical and clerical changes.
For more information regarding the changes, please read the following:

 Notice of Proposed Expedited Rulemaking (March 2024)
  The Arizona State Board of Accountancy (Board) is pursuing expedited rulemaking to make the following changes:
  1. Extend Uniform CPA Examination (Exam) conditioned credits from 18 months to 30 months.
  2. Extend conditioned exam credits that expired between January 30, 2020, and May 11, 2023, during the national public health emergency declared by the United States Department of Health and Human Services until June 30, 2025.
  3. Update incorporations by reference related to the Standards for Performing and Reporting on Peer Reviews and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA’s) Code of Professional Conduct.
  4. Make technical and clerical changes.
Public comments regarding the expedited rulemaking can be sent via mail to the Board’s office at 100 N. 15th Ave., Suite 165, Phoenix, AZ 85007 (Attn: Chris Rasmussen), or alternatively via e-mail to [email protected].

An oral proceeding will take place at the Board’s May 6, 2024, meeting at 9:00 a.m. at 100 N. 15th Ave., Suite 165, Phoenix, AZ 85007. Interested parties can attend in person or telephonically. Call-in information will be on the meeting agenda, which is posted one week before the meeting.

The following is a link to the Notice of Proposed Expedited Rulemaking.

 Updated Rules related to the Uniform CPA Exam, CPA Qualifications, and Incorporations by Reference, Effective July 3, 2023 (May 2023)
  Effective July 3, 2023, the Arizona State Board of Accountancy’s (Board’s) rules will be updated as follows:
  1. Provides candidates for the Uniform CPA Examination (Exam) more flexibility by allowing their conditioned credit to be valid for 18 months from the score release date rather than the examination date.
  2. Provides that any exam candidate with CPA exam credit(s) on January 1, 2024, will have such credit(s) extended to June 30, 2025, to ensure that upon the launch of the new Uniform CPA Exam in January 2024 that no candidates are negatively impacted by limited opportunities to test and delays in score reporting due to the new Exam.
  3. Removes a certification requirement that applicants submit a signed and dated letter of recommendation due to the recent removal of “good moral character” from A.R.S. § 32-721 regarding CPA qualifications due to Laws 2022, Chapter 59, HB 2612.
  4. Conforms A.A.C. R4-1-453 to use a more intuitive term “self-study” program, in lieu of “correspondence” program.
  5. Updates incorporations by reference.
For more information regarding the changes, please read the following:
 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (December 2022)
  On December 2, 2022, the Arizona Secretary of State published the following rulemaking in Vol. 28, Issue 48 of the Arizona Administrative Register which would:
  1. Provide candidates for the Uniform CPA Examination (Exam) more flexibility by clarifying that their conditioned credit is valid for 18 months from the score release date rather than the examination date.
  2. Extend Exam credits for candidates during a transition period due to changes in the Exam.
  3. Remove a certification requirement that applicants submit a signed and dated letter of recommendation due to the recent removal of “good moral character” from A.R.S. § 32-721 due to Laws 2022, Chapter 59, HB 2612.
  4. Conform A.A.C. R4-1-453 to use a more intuitive term “self-study” program, in lieu of “correspondence” program.
  5. Update incorporations by reference.
An oral proceeding will take place at the Board’s January 9, 2023, meeting at 9:00 a.m. at 100 N. 15th Ave., Suite 165, Phoenix, AZ 85007. The following is a link to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking .
 Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2022)
  The Board has worked with the Arizona Society of Certified Public Accountants (ASCPA) to recognize both outgoing and continuing Board/Committee members for their commitment to the CPA profession and their support in helping the Board fulfill its mission. It would be impossible for the Board and its staff to carry out its mission without the immeasurably valuable work of these volunteers. The CPA profession is stronger because of the dedication and service of the following honorees. Please see the below article and a special thank you to the ASCPA for their assistance with this recognition.

Arizona State Board of Accountancy Honorees 2022
 Extension of the Board’s Temporary Biennial Registration Fee Reduction, Updated Incorporations by Reference Rules, Effective July 3, 2022 (May 2022)
  Effective July 3, 2022, the Arizona State Board of Accountancy (Board)’s rules will be updated as follows:
  1. Include a definition of “principal place of business” to provide clarity to CPAs requesting continuing professional education (CPE) reciprocity.
  2. Clarify responsibilities of the Peer Review Oversight Advisory Committee (PROAC).
  3. Extend the Board’s temporary biennial registration fee reduction for an additional two years.
  4. Clarify that CPE taken to comply with a granted CPE extension cannot be used again for a subsequent registration period.
  5. Update incorporations by reference for peer review and the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.
For more information regarding the changes, please read the following:
 Change of Address and Continuing Professional Education Rules, Effective August 1, 2021
  Effective August 1, 2021, the Arizona State Board of Accountancy (Board) will have new rules as follows:
  1. Requires that CPAs and CPA firms registered with the Board notify the Board of an email change of address in addition to a business, mailing, or residential change of address within 30-days.
  2. Permits the Board to accomplish service of most documents by attaching the document to an email and sending it to the email address last provided to the Board in addition to personal service or service by mail.
  3. Allows CPE credit to be earned for the writing or development of online course curriculum for undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral education that contribute to the accounting profession.
  4. Updates the timeframe that the Board may grant a Notice to Schedule (NTS) extension based on good cause to a Uniform CPA Exam applicant from one testing window to 90-days in response to testing windows being replaced by continuous testing.
  5. Provides authority for the Board to grant a 90-day extension to a conditioned credit for Uniform CPA Exam Applicants based on good cause.
  6. Delineates the required attachments for an applicant applying for certification under A.R.S. § 32-4302 regarding universal licensing.
  7. Updates incorporations by reference for peer review and the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.
  8. Makes technical and conforming changes.
For more information regarding the changes, please read the following:
 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (December 2020)
  On December 4, 2020, the Arizona Secretary of State published the following rulemaking in Vol. 26, Issue 49 of the Arizona Administrative Register which accomplishes the following:
  1. Eliminates a rule provision which is antiquated and redundant,
  2. Modernizes communication efforts with the regulated community,
  3. Conforms the notice to schedule extension process to accommodate continuous Uniform CPA Exam testing,
  4. Codifies the ability of applicants to request 90-day extensions to a conditioned credit,
  5. Enumerates the materials required for “universal recognition” certification,
  6. Expands what activities would qualify for continuing professional education credit, and
  7. Updates incorporations by reference.
An oral proceeding will take place at the Board’s January 11, 2021 meeting at 9:00 a.m. at 100 N. 15th Ave., Suite 165, Phoenix, AZ 85007. Information on how to electronically attend the meeting will be found on the meeting agenda once posted. The following is a link to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking..
 Laws 2020, Ch. 72, (SB 1131) Effective August 25, 2020 (August 2020)
  SB 1131 is the follow up to Laws 2018, Ch. 268 (SB 1443) which was effective August 3, 2018. The legislation is largely housekeeping in nature but there are two provisions that are noteworthy. First, the Board may delegate to its Executive Director the ability to approve a request for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Reciprocity. This streamlined business procedure improves efficiency and customer service, while ensuring any denial recommendations go to the Board for oversight and action. Second, the bill provides that a CPA firm’s registration will be expired rather than revoked, for failure to meet firm registration requirements. Current law mandates that the Board revoke a firm’s registration. Revocation requires both a notice and a hearing, which is neither efficient nor cost effective for the registrant or the Board. Expiring a registration, instead of revoking, removes the implication that disciplinary action was taken while still providing sufficient protection for the public from working with an unregulated firm.

For more information regarding the changes, please read either of the following:
 Board Adopts Mutual Recognition Agreement with the Certified Practicing Accountant Australia (June 2020)
  At its June 20, 2020 meeting, the Arizona State Board of Accountancy (Board) voted to adopt a mutual recognition agreement (MRA) with the Certified Practicing Accountant Australia.

By adopting MRAs with other countries, and pursuant to A.R.S § 32-721(D) and A.A.C. R4-1-341(A)(4), the Board recognizes that if an application is received from a candidate whose license is held in any country whose MRA has been adopted by Arizona, and that candidate can provide evidence of passing the International Qualification Examination (IQEX), the candidate can apply for a CPA certificate with the Board by substantial equivalency.

For more information regarding MRAs and the IQEX, please see our FAQs webpage.
 Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2020)
  Each year, at the Board's annual meeting, the Board has a luncheon and awards ceremony to honor the outgoing and recently reappointed board and committee members. Due to COVID-19, the Board was unable to follow this tradition and instead worked with the ASCPA on the following article for their newsletter to ensure that the notable accomplishments of these volunteers don't go unnoticed. It would be impossible for the Board and its staff to carry out its mission without the immeasurably valuable work of these volunteers. The CPA profession is stronger because of the dedication and service of the following honorees.

Arizona State Board of Accountancy Honorees 2020
 Board Adopts Mutual Recognition Agreement with the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (February 2020)
  At its February 10, 2020 meeting, the Arizona State Board of Accountancy (Board) voted to adopt a mutual recognition agreement (MRA) with the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA).

By adopting MRAs with other countries, and pursuant to A.R.S § 32-721(D) and A.A.C. R4-1-341(A)(4), the Board recognizes that if an application is received from a candidate whose license is held in any country whose MRA has been adopted by Arizona, and that candidate can provide evidence of passing the International Qualification Examination (IQEX), the candidate can apply for a CPA certificate with the Board by substantial equivalency.

For more information regarding MRAs and the IQEX, please see our FAQs webpage.
 Temporary Biennial Registration Fee Reduction, Streamlined Peer Review, and Firm Registration Licensing Timeframe Rules, Effective April 5, 2020 (February 2020)
  Effective April 5, 2020, the Arizona State Board of Accountancy (Board) will have new rules that affect CPAs; CPA firms; and applicants for Uniform CPA Exam (Exam), certification, and firm registration. In substance, the amended rules:
  1. Reduces from $300 to $275 and from $150 to $137.50 the biennial registration renewal fee for active and inactive CPA registrations respectively due during the period from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022;
  2. Allows an applicant to retake a test section of the Uniform CPA Exam once their grade for any previous attempt of the same test section during that window has been released once “continuous testing” is implemented by the AICPA/NASBA;
  3. Streamlines certification by exam, grade transfer, and substantial equivalency requirements;
  4. Simplifies the peer review rule to ensure a single peer review administration process that follows the Standards for Performing and Reporting on Peer Reviews; and
  5. Enumerates what evidence is required during the application for a new or reinstated firm and provides licensing timeframes.
The rulemaking also makes other changes like providing for appeal rights for exam and reinstatement denials as well as other technical, clarifying, and conforming changes.

For more information regarding the changes, please read either of the following:
 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (November 2019)
  On November 1, 2019, the Arizona Secretary of State published the following rulemaking in Vol. 25, Issue 44 of the Arizona Administrative Register which codifies the Board’s firm registration process, institutes a temporary registration fee reduction for registrations due during the period from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022, and amends the peer review rule to more consistently align itself with the incorporated Standards for Performing and Reporting on Peer Reviews. The rulemaking also makes technical and conforming changes, such as reducing certification licensing time frames, better communicating applicant appeal rights, and omitting unnecessary regulatory requirements. An oral proceeding will take place at the Board’s December 2, 2019 meeting at 9:00 a.m. at 100 N. 15th Ave., Suite 165, Phoenix, AZ 85007. The following is a link to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. top  
 Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2019)
  The Arizona State Board of Accountancy (Board) held its annual meeting at the Arizona Society of Certified Public Accountants (ASCPA) on August 22, 2019. The meeting was well attended by many of the Board’s advisory committee members. The Board received presentations from Cindie Hubiak (President and CEO) and Jared Van Arsdale (Board Chair) of the ASCPA, Daniel J. Dustin (Vice President of State Board Relations) and Katrina Salazar (Pacific Regional Director) of the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, and James W. Brackens, Jr. (Vice President of Ethics and Practice Quality) of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The Board also received reports from its advisory committees and discussed, amongst other topics, the Board’s FY 2021 budget request and the Master List of State Government Programs. The Board also recognized various professionals who have been essential in helping the Board fulfill its mission to protect the public.

Below is a list of all members of the Board and its advisory committees who were recognized for their dedicated service to the Board, the CPA profession, and the public. Both Julie S. Klewer and Gary L. Freed were recognized for their tenure and leadership on the Board, and Lisa B. Lumbard was commended for her tenure on the Accounting and Auditing Advisory Committee, which she served on prior to her appointment to the Board by Governor Doug Ducey. The Board also recognized six professionals who will no longer be serving on their respective Committees and commended them for their willingness to serve and contributions. Lastly, the Board recognized three professionals, Teresa Finley, Julie P. Cauich, and Leslie Stackpole, who have selflessly chosen to continue to serve on their respective Committees. The Board would not be able to fulfill its mission without the dedication and excellence of these outstanding and hard-working volunteers.

Julie S. Klewer, CPA 2014 - 2019
Gary L. Freed 2014 - 2019

Auditing & Accounting Advisory Committee
Lisa B. Lumbard, CPA 2013 - 2018

Certification Advisory Committee
Teresa Finley, CPA 2009 – 2019

Law Review Advisory Committee
John C. Todd, II, CPA 2009 - 2019
Roger L. Cohen, Esq. 2009 - 2019
George J. Coleman, Esq. 2009 - 2019

Peer Review Oversight Advisory Committee
Matthew L. Beeler, CPA 2014 – 2019
Julie P. Cauich, CPA 2004 – 2019
Candace P. Given, CPA 2015 – 2019

Tax Advisory Committee
Leslie Stackpole, CPA 2014 - 2019
Anne V. Roediger, CPA 2009 - 2019

various board and committee members receiving awards for service
 Laws 2019, Ch. 55 (HB 2569) Effective August 27, 2019 (August 2019)
  On April 10, 2019, Governor Ducey, joined by Representative Warren Petersen, Arizona legislators, members of the business community and many more, signed H.B. 2569, making Arizona the first state in the country to recognize occupational licenses for new residents. The signing represented the fulfillment of a top policy priority announced in Governor Ducey’s State of the State address. Arizona's new universal licensing recognition law makes it easier for people who are already licensed in another state to get licensed at the same level in Arizona. Under the new law, Arizona's licensing boards will recognize out-of-state occupational licenses for people who have been licensed in their profession for at least one year, are in good standing in all states where they are licensed, pay applicable Arizona fees, AND meet all residency, testing, and background check requirements. The new law DOES NOT recognize other states’ occupational licenses automatically. For example, workers licensed in other states who move to Arizona still MUST apply for a license through the appropriate Arizona licensing board before working.

Unlike other occupational and professional boards, the Arizona State Board of Accountancy already has a path for certification by substantial equivalency. This path is different than the path provided for by HB 2569 in that it does not have a residency requirement nor a one-year experience requirement. It also applies to any individual licensed in the District of Columbia, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico whereas HB 2569 is limited to the fifty states of the United States. Even though the Arizona State Board of Accountancy already has a path for certification by substantial equivalency, HB 2569 represents an alternative path that is substantially similar. To learn more, please read Laws 2019, Ch. 55 (HB 2569).
 New CPE and Foreign Transcript Evaluator Rules Effective February 4, 2019 (December 2018)
  Effective February 4, 2019, the Arizona State Board of Accountancy (Board) will have new rules that impact the following:
  1. Applicants for certification or who wish to sit for the Uniform CPA Exam that require a course-by-course evaluation from a foreign transcript evaluation service for education taken outside of the United States; and,
  2. Continuing professional education requirements for CPAs.
To learn more about the changes please read either of the following:
Summary of Rulemaking for Uniform CPA Exam and Certification Applicants and CPAs
Notice of Final Rulemaking
 Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2018)
  The Arizona State Board of Accountancy (Board) held its annual meeting at the Arizona Society of Certified Public Accountants (ASCPA) on August 23 and 24, 2018. The meeting was well attended by many of the Board’s advisory committee members. The Board received a presentation from Cindie Hubiak (President and CEO) and Michael T. Allen (Board Chair) of the ASCPA, reports from the Board’s advisory committees, and engaged in a thorough discussion regarding disciplinary guidance, the Board’s FY 2020 budget request and the Master List of State Government Programs, and Substantive Policy Statement #2018-001, amongst other topics. The Board also recognized various professionals who have volunteered their time and effort to help the Board fulfill its mission to protect the public from unlawful, incompetent, unqualified or unprofessional certified public accountants through certification, regulation and rehabilitation.

Below is a list of all members of the Board and its advisory committees who were recognized for their dedicated service to the Board, the CPA profession and the public. LeRoy M. Gaintner was recognized for his tenure and leadership on the Board. Four professionals who will no longer be serving on their respective Committees, Joe Epps, Jo-Ann M. Humphrey, Sean Kindell, and Todd Jason were recognized for their dedication and volunteerism. The Board expressed gratitude for their service and wished them the best in their future endeavors. Lastly, seven professionals were commended for their willingness to continue to serve on their respective advisory committees. The Board would not be able to fulfill its mission without the dedication of these outstanding and hard-working volunteers.

LeRoy M. Gaintner, CPA 2013 - 2018

Auditing & Accounting Advisory Committee
Joe Epps, CPA 2014 - 2018
Lisa B. Lumbard, CPA 2013 - 2018
Christopher A. Lutes, CPA 2008 - 2018

Certification Advisory Committee
Vicki L. Rios, CPA 2003 – 2018
Nancy S. Maurer, CPA 2003 – 2018

Continuing Professional Education Advisory Committee
Jo-Ann M. Humphrey, CPA 2017 - 2018
Sean Kindell, CPA 2013 - 2018
Todd Jason, CPA 2003 - 2018
Anne Cornelius, CPA 2008 - 2018

Law Review Advisory Committee
Mark L. Landy, CPA (Retired) 2013 – 2018

Tax Advisory Committee
Stephen J. Rodis, CPA 2008 - 2018

various board and committee members receiving awards for service
 Laws 2018, Chapter 268 (SB 1443) (July 2018)
  Laws 2018, Chapter 268, SB 1443, which is effective August 3, 2018, is a collaborative work product of the Arizona Society of CPAs, the Arizona State Board of Accountancy (Board), and the Board’s Law Review Advisory Committee. SB 1443 reduces regulation, fosters lean government, improves customer service, and supports the Board’s mission to protect the public.

Please read the following summary and details of the law: Laws 2018, Ch. 268 (SB 1443).
 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (June 2018)
  On June 22, 2018, the Arizona Secretary of State published the following rulemaking in Vol. 24, Issue 25 of the Arizona Administrative Register which reduces regulation by amending CPE rules and reduces fraud by modifying rules related to foreign transcript evaluators. An oral proceeding will take place at the Board’s July 30, 2018 Board meeting at 9:00 a.m. at 100 N. 15th Ave., Suite 165, Phoenix, AZ 85007. The following is a link to the Notice of Supplemental Proposed Rulemaking. top  
 New Peer Review and Code of Conduct Rules Effective January 1, 2018 (November 2017)
  The Board’s peer review rules have been amended to make them consistent with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA) peer review program. The AICPA peer review program subjects non-disclosure compilations to peer review, whereas, the Board’s rules did not. Rather, the Board’s rules subjected non-disclosure compilations to an Educational Enhancement Review (EER). The rules have been amended to repeal the EER process and make non-disclosure compilations subject to peer review. This change will make the Board consistent with 47 of the 54 states of the United States and its territories that require peer review of non-disclosure compilations. The new rule will also require that firms allow the peer review administering entity to make peer review documents accessible to the Board via the AICPA Facilitated State Board Access (FSBA). This will reduce the need for firms to provide results via hard copy to the Board.

Additionally, the Board’s Professional Conduct rules have been amended to incorporate in part the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Code of Conduct and Professional Standards (Code). Continuing Professional Education Standards were not incorporated by reference. The AICPA sets ethical standards for the profession and U.S. auditing standards for private companies, nonprofit organizations, federal, state and local governments. It is not efficient nor effective for the Board to promulgate its own standards, as these may be redundant or contradictory to the AICPA. The incorporation by reference of the AICPA standards reduces the regulatory burden while achieving the same objective by ensuring that the accounting community only has one set of standards by which it is regulated. More than 37 jurisdictions have adopted the Code in full or in part. Please note that both AICPA members and non-members will be subject to the AICPA Code of Conduct and Professional Standards.

If you are interested in learning about the specific changes, the Notice of Final Rulemaking delineates the changes to the old rules by repealing language (repealing language) and adding new language (new language).
 Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2017)
  The Arizona State Board of Accountancy (“Board”) held its annual meeting at the Arizona Society of Certified Public Accountants on August 24 and 25, 2017. The meeting was well attended by several of the Board’s advisory committee members. Twelve individuals were recognized for their service and contributions to the Board. Most of the service recognition recipients are certified public accountants (“CPAs”), who have volunteered their time and effort to help the Board fulfill its mission to protect the public from unlawful, incompetent, unqualified or unprofessional certified public accountants through certification, regulation and rehabilitation. However, this year, a member of Board staff, Mary Ramoz, was also recognized for her twenty-year anniversary with the Board. Her service in supporting the Board and its advisory committees has been indispensable and the Board expressed their appreciation and gratitude for her dedication and well-rounded institutional knowledge.

Below is a list of all members of the Board, its advisory committees, and Board staff, who were recognized for their dedicated service to the Board, the CPA profession and the public. Layne R. Simmons was recognized for his tenure and leadership on the Board, and Douglas N. Kimball was commended for his service and continued support as the Board waits for an appointment from the Governor’s Office for a new public member. R. Gregory Blake was also congratulated for his long tenure with the Tax Advisory Committee, having served with the Committee since its inception back in 1991. Five of the nine committee members listed below will continue to provide outstanding support to the Board by renewing their commitments for another five-year term, respectively. While the Board and its staff will miss the service and expertise of Layne R. Simmons, Melinda A. Xanthos, Scott T. Wallace, John Cotton, and R. Gregory Blake, the Board and its staff also wish them well, but are equally grateful for each member who continues to serve and for each member who is added to this ever-growing list of dedicated volunteers. The Board would not be able to fulfill its mission without the dedication of these, and all the Board and advisory committee members, who are committed to protecting the public and educating the Arizona CPA community.

Layne R. Simmons, CPA 2012 - 2017
Douglas N. Kimball 2009 - 2017

Board Staff
Mary Ramoz 1997 - 2017

Auditing & Accounting Advisory Committee
Melinda A. Xanthos, CPA 2012 - 2017
Andy D. Coumides, CPA 1997 - 2017
Stephen T. Harris, CPA 1997 - 2017
Scott T. Wallace, CPA 2000 - 2017

Certification Advisory Committee
Sharron E. Walker, CPA 2012 – 2017

Continuing Professional Education Advisory Committee
John Cotton, CPA 2010 - 2017

Peer Review Oversight Advisory Committee
Timothy R. Coffey, CPA 2007 – 2017

Tax Advisory Committee
R. Gregory Blake, CPA 1991 - 2017
Michael P. O’Malley, CPA 2002 - 2017

various board and committee members receiving awards for service
 Rule Repealed Effective June 15, 2017 (June 2017)
  R4-1-455.03(D)(1) has been repealed effective June 15, 2017. The rule was overbroad and inconsistent with the Board’s statutory framework because it required that certified public accountants (“CPAs”) who provide any type of public accounting to do so only through a firm registered with the Board, whereas A.R.S. § 32-747.01 only requires those CPAs who perform one specific type of public accounting – attest services – to do so only through a registered firm. If you are interested in learning about the specific changes, the Notice of Final Rulemaking delineates the changes to the old rules by repealing language (repealing language). top  
 Notice of Supplemental Proposed Rulemaking (April 2017)
  On April 28, 2017, the Arizona Secretary of State published the following rulemaking in Vol. 23, Issue 17 of the Arizona Administrative Register which amends peer review to achieve consistency with the AICPA and incorporates the AICPA Code of Conduct and professional standards by reference. An oral proceeding will take place at the Board’s June 12, 2017 Board meeting at 9:00 a.m. at 100 N. 15th Ave., Suite 165, Phoenix, AZ 85007. The following is a link to the Notice of Supplemental Proposed Rulemaking. top  
 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (January 2017)
  On January 13, 2017, the Arizona Secretary of State published the following rulemaking in Vol. 23, Issue 2 of the Arizona Administrative Register which amends peer review to achieve consistency with the AICPA and incorporates the AICPA Code of Conduct and professional standards by reference. An oral proceeding will take place at the Board’s February 13, 2017 Board meeting at 9:00 a.m. at 100 N. 15th Ave., Suite 165, Phoenix, AZ 85007. The following is a link to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. top  
 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (December 2016)
  On December 23, 2016, the Arizona Secretary of State published the following rulemaking in Vol. 22, Issue 52 of the Arizona Administrative Register which impacts registration requirements for CPA firms. An oral proceeding will take place at the Board’s January 23, 2017 Board meeting at 9:00 a.m. at 100 N. 15th Ave., Suite 165, Phoenix, AZ 85007. The following is a link to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. top  
 Next version of CPA exam beginning in April 2017
  After concluding an extensive research project that lasted over two years, the AICPA recently announced final details on the next version of the Uniform CPA exam that will be launched on April 1, 2017. Changes to the exam include:
  • Increased assessment of higher- order cognitive skills that include, but are not limited to, critical thinking, problem solving, and analytical ability.
  • Additional task-based simulations (TBSs) will be included on the exam, which are an effective way to assess higher order skills.
  • New exam blueprints containing approximately 600 representative tasks across all four Exam sections will replace the current Content Specification Outline (CSO) and Skill Specification Outline (SSO). These blueprints are more robust than the CSO and SSO, identifying content knowledge linked directly to representative tasks performed by newly licensed CPAs.
  • Total CPA Exam testing time will increase from 14 to 16 hours – four hours for all four sections. The new Exam will retain the four existing sections – Auditing and Attestation (AUD), Business Environment and Concepts (BEC), Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR), and Regulation (REG).
For more information, see Next Version of the Uniform CPA Examination FAQs at the AICPA website.
 Provision of Professional Services to Medical Marijuana Dispensaries by Arizona CPA’s (March 2016)
Chapter 28 of Title 36, Public Health and Safety of the Arizona Revised Statutes (“ARS”), entitled Arizona Medical Marijuana Act, legalizes in the State of Arizona the sale and use of medical marijuana which such sale being authorized through registered nonprofit medical marijuana dispensaries. Title 9, Health Services, Chapter 17, Department of Health Services Medical Marijuana Program of the Arizona Administrative Code, authorized by ARS 36-2803 provides regulations that medical marijuana dispensaries must abide by. Rule R9-17-308 (B)(4) states that to renew the license of a medical marijuana dispensary, such entity must provide, “A report of an audit by an independent certified public accountant of the annual financial statements required in subsection (B)(3).”

However, the sale of marijuana, whether for medicinal purposes or recreational purposes, is still illegal under United States Federal Laws. Consequently, Arizona CPA’s have questioned whether the provision of the aforementioned audit services as well as other accounting services by Arizona CPA registrants would be considered an act discreditable should they provide such services to such entities. For purposes of this white paper, the term accounting services should be considered as defined within ARS 32-701 to mean:

“services that are commonly and historically performed by accountants, including recording or summarizing financial transactions, bookkeeping, analyzing or verifying financial information, auditing, reviewing or compiling financial statements, reporting financial results, financial planning, providing attestation or tax or consulting services.”

Materials Considered by the Arizona Board of Accountancy:
During its considerations of this matter, the Arizona Board of Accountancy has considered the following materials:

1. An Issue Brief on State Marijuana Laws and the CPA Profession, Issued May 16, 2013 and last updated January 5, 2015 which was issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Colorado and Washington State Societies of Certified Public Accountants;
2. An Issue Brief on State Marijuana Laws and the CPA Profession, Issued July 24, 2015 and last updated January 8, 2016 which was issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Colorado and Washington State Societies of Certified Public Accountants;
3. FIN-2014-G001 Guidance issued February 14, 2014 by Department of the Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network entitled, BSA Expectations Regarding Marijuana-Related Businesses;
4. State Bar of Arizona Ethics Opinions 11-01: Scope of Representation, 2/2011 regarding legal ethics of a lawyer counselling or assisting a client;
5. Business Appraisal Within the Cannabis Industry: The ultimate appraisal challenge issued by Ronald L. Seigneur of Seigneur Gustafson LLP, copyright 2015;
6. Obstacles to Legalizing Marijuana: Resolving the Federal-State Conflict Authored by Wei-Chih Chiang and produced in the Checkpoint subscription service in May 2015;
7. AICPA: Talking to State Boards About Marijuana Policies: Key Policy Suggestions for State CPA Societies; and
8. AICPA: Providing Services to Businesses in the Marijuana Industry: A Sample of Current Board Positions.

Powers of the Arizona Board of Accountancy
Under ARS 32-741, the Board may revoke or suspend a registrant’s certificate, take disciplinary action or issue a letter of concern for numerous causes that are enumerated therein and include, but are not limited to conviction of a felony, conviction of a crime with a reasonable relationship to the practice of accounting, dishonesty, suspension or revocation for cause of the right to practice before a governmental body or agency and other acts. Further, regulation R4-1-455.03 entitled Discreditable Acts states that a registrant shall not commit an act that reflects adversely on the registrant’s fitness to engage in the practice of public accounting which includes violating ARS Title 32, Chapter 6, Article 3 as well as various enumerated rules.

The authorized sale of medical marijuana is legal in the State of Arizona and the State of Arizona has mandated that such sale be performed by licensed and regulated medical marijuana dispensaries. Further, the State of Arizona has mandated that to renew their license such medical marijuana dispensaries must retain a certified public accountant to perform an audit of the financial statements of such entity. The Arizona Board of Accountancy recognizes that while the state of Arizona has a law that legalizes the sale of medical marijuana, the Federal Government does not have such a law. As there is a dichotomy between Federal and Arizona law, the Arizona Board of Accountancy can make no determination of how such a conflict might ultimately affect a medical marijuana dispensary or any of its service providers. Hence, the Arizona Board of Accountancy has concluded that during the contemplation of acceptance of any accounting services engagement for a medical marijuana dispensary, an Arizona registrant should diligently evaluate and address the potential risks and uncertainties associated with providing such services. Registrants should carefully consider the criteria provided in auditing standards and other professional materials, as well as professional guidance specifically related to providing services to the medical marijuana industry. Further, the Arizona Board of Accountancy has concluded that merely accepting an engagement to provide accounting services to a medical marijuana dispensary does not, on its face, constitute an act discreditable to the profession and it will not pursue independent disciplinary action against an Arizona CPA registrant based solely on such acceptance. The Arizona Board of Accountancy recommends that Arizona registrants considering providing services to the medical marijuana industry read the materials referenced herein, professional standards applicable to the professional services to be provided and guidance offered by State and Federal regulatory bodies, including, but not limited to the Internal Revenue Service, the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission and any other authoritative materials available that frame the issues contemplated herein.

Issuance Date:
March 28, 2016

 Disciplinary Transparency (December 2015)
  Pursuant to A.R.S. §32-703(A), the primary duty of the board is to protect the public from unlawful, incompetent, unqualified or unprofessional certified public accountants or public accountants through certification, regulation and rehabilitation.

Certified Public Accountants (CPA) and CPA firms are one of many professions and occupations regulated by various Arizona Boards and Commissions established to protect the public. These professions have enforced codes of practice that members of the profession must follow to prevent exploitation of the client and to preserve the integrity of the profession. This is not only for the benefit of the client but also for the benefit of those belonging to the profession.

A.R.S. §32-701(24) defines “registrant” as any certified public accountant, public accountant or firm that is registered with the Arizona State Board of Accountancy. Registrants who perform auditing, review, compilation, management consulting, tax, or other professional services are required to comply with standards promulgated by various standard setting bodies such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board, Government Accounting Standards Board, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, Auditing Standards Board, Accounting and Review Services Committee, or Tax Committee.

The collection of standard setting bodies collectively define a standard of conduct. The role of the Arizona Board of Accountancy is to ensure that registrants meet these standards, by taking disciplinary action if they do not practice accordingly. This allows those registrants who act with conscience to practice in the knowledge that they will not be undermined commercially by those who have fewer ethical qualms and/or knowledge, skills and abilities. It also maintains the public’s trust in the profession, encouraging the public to continue seeking their services.

In an effort to better fulfill its mission and protect the public, effective December 31, 2015, the Arizona Board of Accountancy will be posting disciplinary action to its website via its CPA Directory , to help the public who is looking to the Board for such information to make an informed judgement about who they want to engage with to provide services. While there is a wide array of disciplinary action from things intended to educate registrants to things that are intended to be punitive in nature, each consumer will be able to review the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the associated discipline and make their own independent judgements about whether the posted discipline – past or present – is of concern to them and empower them with the appropriate information to act accordingly.

 Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2015)
  Once-a-year, the Arizona State Board of Accountancy (Board) holds an offsite annual meeting to discuss its previous year’s accomplishments, statistics and strategic initiatives for the next year and to learn about emerging issues in the accounting profession. The Board was, again, thankful to the Arizona Society of Certified Public Accountants (Society) for the use of their space to hold the annual meeting. In addition to the Society’s presentation of its endeavors and concerns, the Board also received information from James Brackens, the Vice-President of Ethics and Practice Quality with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Brackens’ presentation covered the near- and long- term initiatives of the CPA profession’s peer review program and the role of the Board’s Peer Review Oversight Advisory Committee.

One of the favorite portions of the Board’s annual meeting is the award luncheon. The Board’s mission of protecting the public is supported through the dedicated efforts of the Board’s six advisory committees. Each committee has at least seven members, and each member serves in this advisory role – on a voluntary basis. Committee members who have served at least one five-year term are honored for their service to the Board during the award luncheon. This year was unique, because the Board honored a committee member, Gary Wood, who unexpectedly passed away in January. The Board presented Gary’s wife, Pamela Wood, with his service award. Gary’s passing has and will affect the CPA profession that he served since 1980. The Board expressed their gratitude to Mrs. Wood for her late husband’s service and dedication as a committee member and an investigator for the Board. The community lost a significant member in Gary. He helped shape how one should conduct himself – as a family man, a business man, and a public servant.

Below is the full list of dedicated professionals who were recognized for their service at this year’s award luncheon. Many of these professionals will continue to serve in their respective roles for another five-year term.

John C. Sizer, Jr., CPA 2010 - 2015

Auditing & Accounting Standards Committee
Steven L. Tait, CPA 2000 - 2015
Scott T. Wallace, CPA 2000 - 2015

Certification Committee
Debra A. Hunter, CPA 2005 – 2015

Continuing Professional Education Committee
John Cotton, CPA 2010 - 2015
A. Carter Smitherman, CPA 2010 - 2015

Law Review Advisory Committee
Michael T. Daggett, CPA 1999 - 2015
Loretta Peto, CPA 2005 - 2015

Peer Review Oversight Advisory Committee
Eve Devolites, CPA 2004 – 2015
Gary J. Wood, CPA 2004 – 2015

Tax Advisory Committee
Sharon F. Erickson, CPA 1998 - 2014
Christina C. Roderick, CPA 2010 - 2015
various board and committee members receiving awards for service
 Laws 2015, Chapter 207 (HB 2218) (June 2015)
  The Arizona Board of Accountancy, the Board’s Law Review Committee, and Board staff worked diligently to consolidate and clarify statutes related to firm registration, establish a process for firm reinstatement from cancelled or expired status, create a new path whereby a firm may relinquish its registration pending or in lieu of an investigation or a disciplinary proceeding or while under a disciplinary order and make other technical and clarifying changes. The following is a summary of the bill which has a general effective date of July 3, 2015.

Please read the following summary and details of the laws: Laws 2015, Ch. 207 (HB 2218)
 Certification Committee Vacancy (March 2015)
  The Board is currently looking to fill a vacancy on its seven-member Certification Advisory Committee. The committee assists in the evaluation of applicants for the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination and for certified public accountant. The committee reviews applications, transcripts, and related materials, and makes advisory recommendations to the Board concerning the qualifications of applicants for the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination and for certification of certified public accountants. If you are interested in serving, please email the Board’s Executive Director at [email protected]. top  
 Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2014)
  The Arizona State Board of Accountancy (“Board”) held its annual meeting, again, at the Arizona Society of Certified Public Accountants on August 28, 2014. The meeting was well attended by several of the Board’s advisory committee members. Fourteen Board and Committee members were recognized for their service and contributions to the Board. Most of the service recognition recipients are certified public accountants (CPA), who have a genuine and legitimate interest in their profession and the protection of the public. However, three individuals were recognized for the service to the Board who are not CPAs. Those three individuals are Anne L. Lynch, Roger L. Cohen and George J. Coleman. Their service and dedication, to a profession in which they are not a part of, speaks volumes as to how fortunate the Board is to have so many dedicated individuals protecting the public and furthering the strength of the CPA profession.

Below is a list of all members of the Board and its advisory committees who were recognized for their dedicated service to the Board, the CPA profession and the public. Karen K. McCloskey’s service as a Board member will be missed, mostly because she was instrumental in reforming the Board’s statutes and rules. Nine of the 13 committee members listed below will continue to provide outstanding support to the Board by renewing their commitments for another five-year term, respectively. Notably, Robert H. Berberian just completed his 20th year as a Tax Advisory Committee member and is one of the nine who will be contributing his skills for another five years. While the Board and its staff will miss the service and expertise of James C. Sell, Gary L. Freed, William C. Heimerdinger and Michael J. Holt, the Board and its staff also wish them well, but are equally grateful for each member who continues to serve and for each member who is added to this ever growing list of dedicated volunteers. The Board would not be able to fulfill its mission without the dedication of these, and all the Board and advisory committee members, who are committed to protecting the public and educating the Arizona CPA community.

Karen K. McCloskey, CPA 2009 - 2014
Anne L. Lynch, CPA 2009 - 2014

Auditing & Accounting Standards Committee
James C. Sell, CPA 2000 - 2014

Certification Committee
Teresa B. Finley, CPA 2009 – 2014

Law Review Advisory Committee
Roger L. Cohen, Esq 2009 - 2014
George J. "Jay" Coleman, Esq 2009 - 2014
Gary L. Freed, CPA 2004 - 2014
John C. Todd II, CPA 2009 - 2014

Peer Review Oversight Advisory Committee
Julie P. Cauich, CPA 2004 – 2014
Eve Devolites, CPA 2004 – 2014
William C. "Chuck" Heimerdinger, CPA 2004 – 2014
Gary J. Wood, CPA 2004 – 2014

Tax Advisory Committee
Robert H. Berberian, CPA 1994 - 2014
Michael J. Holt, CPA 2009 - 2014
Anne V. Roediger, CPA 2009 - 2014

various board and committee members receiving awards for service
 Laws 2014, Chapter 136 (HB 2263) (July 2014)
  The Arizona Board of Accountancy, the Board’s Law Review Committee, and Board staff worked diligently to review its statutes and make necessary improvements to better serve exam and certification applicants and registrants and to ensure an understandable regulatory framework. During the 2013 legislative session the Board passed Laws 2013, Chapter 136 (HB 2260). During the 2014 legislative session, Laws 2014, Chapter 136 (HB 2263) was passed primarily as a technical clean up trailer bill to HB 2260. The following is a summary of the bill which has a general effective date of July 24, 2014.

Please read the following summary and details of the laws: Laws 2014, Ch. 136 (HB 2263)
 Board Adopts Mutual Recognition Agreements (December 2013)
  At its December 3, 2013 meeting, the Arizona Board of Accountancy (Board) voted to adopt Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) with the following countries:
  • Australia - Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia
  • Canada & Mexico - Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants and Instituto Mexicano de Contradores Publicos and Comité Mexicano para la Práctica Internactional de la Contraduria, including the Memorandum of Understanding
  • Ireland - Chartered Accountants Ireland
  • New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants
  • Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
The U.S. International Qualifications Appraisal Board (IQAB) indicates that many jurisdictions (states) have moved to grant reciprocal licenses or certificates to accountants from other countries providing “that the standards under which the applicant was certified or otherwise authorized to practice public accountancy were at least as high as the standards of this state at the time that authority was granted.”

IQAB, on behalf of state boards, established a process to evaluate qualifications of other countries using criteria comparable to those used to qualify U.S. CPAs for licensure. To accomplish this, a consensus must be achieved on principles of reciprocity, including education, examination and experience. Qualifying countries must provide sufficient evidence that their candidates meet those requirements. If consensus is met, an MRA is signed between representatives of the host country, the AICPA and NASBA.

An important portion of the qualifying procedure for candidates from these countries is to test the applicant’s knowledge of accounting issues in the corresponding countries “body of knowledge.” IQAB established the testing tool known as the International Qualification Examination (IQEX). IQEX tests tax and accounting business law, which can vary widely between the applicant’s country and the U.S. Beginning in late 2012, IQEX became the Regulation (REG) section of the Uniform CPA Examination.

By adopting MRAs with the six countries listed above, and pursuant to A.R.S. § 32-721(D) and A.A.C. R4-1-341(A)(4), the Board recognizes that if an application is received from a candidate whose license is held in any of these countries, and that candidate can provide evidence of passing IQEX, the candidate can apply by substantial equivalency for a CPA certificate with the Board.
 New Rules Effective February 4, 2014 (February 2014)
  The Board’s rules have been updated to reflect changes required due to the passage of Laws 2013, Ch. 136 HB 2260 ; to ensure that they accurately reflect operating practice; and to provide technical, clarifying, and conforming changes to improve the organization and readability of the rules for the regulated community.

If you are interested in learning about the specific changes, the Notice of Final Rulemaking delineates the changes to the old rules by repealing language ( repealing language) and adding new language ( new language). If you would prefer to read a rule in its final form with all the incorporated changes, the rules can be found here.

One of the positive changes for CPA’s is A.A.C. R4-1-453 that allowed CPE credit for only whole hours was amended to allow CPE in half hour increments for any period not less than a whole class hour. CPAs will now get credit for partial hours that they formally did not receive which will have a positive impact as CPAs will not have to incur additional time or cost for lost partial CPE credit to meet their CPE requirement. Additionally, A.A.C. R4-1-345 was amended to increase the late fee from $25 to $50 for late registrations.
 Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2013)
  At its Annual meeting, the following members of the Arizona State Board of Accountancy (“Board”) and its advisory committees were recognized for their dedicated service to the Board, the CPA profession and the public. Mark Landy’s service with the Board, as a Board member will be missed, but not for long, because he has volunteered, once again, to serve on one of the Board’s many committees. His new role will be as a member of the Law Review Committee, who is responsible for the Board’s statutes and rules. In fact, Mr. Landy’s many years of service, not only as a Board member, but a member of the Certification Committee and the Auditing & Accounting Standards Committee will now serve the Law Review Committee well.

All of the committee members listed below continue to provide outstanding support to the Board and their terms range from five years to a whopping 15 years of service. Notably, Sharon F. Erickson has served on the Tax Advisory Committee for the past 15 years and has just renewed her membership for another five-year commitment. In fact, like Ms. Erickson, all but two of the committee members listed below volunteered to renew their memberships for another five-year term on their respective committees. The renewing committee members are: Dominic Celico, Anne Cornelius, Todd Jason, Christopher A. Lutes, Nancy S. Maurer, Vicki L. Rios and Stephen J. Rodis. While the Board and its staff will miss the service and expertise of Jennifer Phillips and Laura Belval, the Board and its staff also wish them well, but are equally grateful for each member who continues to serve and for each member who is added to this ever growing list of dedicated volunteers. The Board would not be able to fulfill its mission without the dedication of these, and all the Board and advisory committee members, who are committed to protecting the public and educating the Arizona CPA community.

Mark L. Landy, CPA 2008 - 2013

Auditing and Accounting Advisory Committee
Christopher A. Lutes, CPA 2008 - 2013
Jennifer Phillips, CPA 2008 - 2013

Certification Committee
Nancy S. Maurer, CPA 2003 – 2013
Vicki Rios, CPA 2004 – 2013

Continuing Professional Education Committee
Laura G. Belval 2002 - 2013
Anne Cornelius, CPA 2008 - 2013
Todd Jason, CPA 2003 - 2013

Peer Review Oversight Committee
Dominic J. Celico, CPA 2008 – 2013

Tax Advisory Committee
Sharon F. Erickson, CPA 1998 - 2013
Stephen J. Rodis, CPA 2008 - 2013

Board Investigator
Gary L. Gethmann, CPA 1999 – 2013

various board and committee members receiving awards for service
 Laws 2013, Chapter 136 (HB 2260) (September 2013)
  The Arizona Board of Accountancy, the Board's Law Review Advisory Committee, and the Board staff worked diligently to review its statutes and make necessary improvements to better serve exam and certification applicants and registrants and to ensure an understandable regulatory framework.

Please read the following summary and details of the laws: Laws 2013, Ch. 136 (HB 2260)


 Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2012)
  At its Annual meeting, the following Board and Advisory Committee members were recognized for their dedicated service to the Arizona State Board of Accountancy and to the CPA profession. Gary Fleming’s leadership and understanding of the Board’s role will be missed. While members of the Board are limited with their service to a five-year term, the Committee members continue to provide outstanding support to the Board with terms ranging from four years to 21 years of service. Notably, R. Gregory “Greg” Blake has served on the Tax Advisory Committee since its inception in 1991. In addition, two other Committee members, Stephen “Steve” T. Harris and Andreas “Andy” D. Coumides have served for 15 years on the Auditing & Accounting Standards Committee. All three have each been approved to serve another five-year term on their respective Committees. In fact, many of the other CPAs, like Laura G. Belval, Timothy R. Coffey and Michael P. O’Malley, recognized at this year’s annual meeting will continue to serve the Board and the CPA profession. Layne Simmons was a Tax Advisory Committee member and is the most recently Governor appointed member to the Board and his knowledge and experience on the Committee will transcend well into his continued service as the newly Governor appointed Board member. The Board would not be able to fulfill its mission without the dedication of these, and all the Board and Advisory Committee members, who are committed to protecting the public and educating the Arizona CPA community.

Gary W. Fleming, CPA 2007 - 2012

Auditing and Accounting Advisory Committee
Julia Ann Bradbury, CPA 2005 - 2012
Andreas D. Coumides, CPA 1997 - 2012
Stephen T. Harris, CPA 1997 - 2012

Certification Committee
Jeanette Carolina, CPA 2007 - 2011
Barbara J. Muller, CPA 2003 - 2011

Continuing Professional Education Committee
Laura G. Belval, CPA 2002 - 2012

Peer Review Oversight Committee
Timothy R. Coffey, CPA 2007 – 2012

Tax Advisory Committee
R. Gregory Blake, CPA 1991 - 2012
Michael P. O’Malley, CPA 2002 - 2012
Layne R. Simmons, CPA 2009 - 2012

various board and committee members receiving awards for service
 Board's Portal and Renewals Online (July 2012)
Board's Portal MenuThe Arizona State Board of Accountancy (Board) is pleased to announce the release of its portal which represents the exciting completion of the first of many milestones to modernize the Board’s operations and improve services to its customers. The portal, currently in its infancy, provides services for online renewals, and sole practitioner firm registration if applicable as part of the online renewal, as well as CPE tracking. The system currently can be used by registrants with full two year term renewals. The system cannot be used by registrants, who have recently been certified and have a prorated renewal period and prorated CPE requirements, however, the system is being enhanced to accommodate these registrants in the near future. The portal is being strategically designed as an online account that will be unique to each and every customer of the Board whether they are an applicant to sit for the uniform CPA exam, a certification candidate, or a registrant already regulated by the Board.

As the Board continues its modernization efforts, the services in the portal will continue to grow. For example, in the future the portal will include other online applications or a quick and convenient place to update a name or address with a few simple steps. These changes help the Board work smarter and more efficiently, improve regulation, and provide a more flexible and convenient customer service experience.

During the summer, CPAs will receive a letter with an account number and password which will require that the portal be used for renewals and CPE tracking. Please be patient if you learn that another CPA has received this information and you haven’t. The mailing will be a large endeavor for Board staff and may be staggered over several weeks to complete.

The following delineates a few of the highlights of the new business processes that are both advantageous to the Board and its customers and provide a win-win solution.

Registration Renewal/Sole Practitioner Firm Registration

  1. Provides customized forms that are dynamic based on individual responses.
  2. Take a break and continue at a later time as entries are saved as you go.
  3. MasterCard and Visa are accepted. Checks and cash are still accepted by mail or in person after the renewal is completed online and printed.
  4. E-file helps registrants avoid being late by ensuring instant delivery and by saving time from mailing or hand delivery.

All available renewal options (e.g., inactive, fee and continuing professional education (CPE) waivers) are presented and fully described to help CPAs make the most informed decisions about their license.

Customer Service
  1. Built-in help is always available for further clarification or guidance without having to call, email or wait until the Board’s office is open. Of course, Board staff is available to provide personal assistance during business hours, if needed.
  2. The online renewal form integrates all the related forms that previously had to be downloaded separately, providing a one-stop experience.
  3. A confirmation receipt is emailed after the renewal is received and paid online.
Compliance and Efficiency
  1. Immediate validation of requirements ensures that renewals are complete and accurate before the renewal can be accepted.
  2. No lost or misplaced paperwork. The renewal is accessed through the Internet via a secured account number

Continuing Professional Education List

Board's Portal MenuSince the web based model is replacing the paper based renewal and Excel CPE reporting forms, all CPAs should access the portal and begin to track their  CPE online even if their renewal won’t be due for some time. The biggest transition issue with changing business processes relates to CPE tracking, especially for those registrants whose renewals are due shortly and may have already used the Excel CPE form to record their CPE. The recording of CPE online is a one time transition issue but can be minimized for those CPAs that use the CPE List portal application sooner rather than later. The sooner CPAs begin to use the portal to track CPE, the more streamlined their next renewal will be as they will minimize the need to reenter data. Additionally, two new fields including sponsoring organization and location of program have been added to the required tracking elements so the old form is obsolete by way of required content.

Transaction List

Transaction List The transaction list is a feature where CPAs can find copies of their most recent online transactions with the Arizona State Board of Accountancy. The Board of Accountancy is undergoing a multi-year modernization effort and over time other online transactions will be added to the portal. However, the transaction list for the time being will only include copies of your online renewal. As such, if you lose your hard copy and need to print another copy for your files then one can be found in your account under the transaction list button. The Board has received positive reviews during the roll out of this new business process. The online renewal has a survey to collect feedback to support the Board's effort to better serve its customers through continuous improvement. The Board hopes that CPAs enjoy this new process, and looks forward to hearing from them about their experiences.                                   top

 Changes to the Uniform CPA Examination (September 2011)
  In January 2011, the examination partners Prometric, American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) launched the latest Uniform CPA Exam update which included a time change for the audit (AUD) and business and environment concepts (BEC) exam sections. Effective January 1, 2012, this parnership announced for the second year in a row a reduction in fees paid by candidates.

 Exam Section
Current Fee 
Fee Structure 
Effective 1/1/12 
 Auditing and Attestation (AUD) $207.15  $195.35 
 Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) $185.10  $176.25 
 Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) $207.15  $195.35 
 Regulation (REG) $185.10  $176.25 
 TOTAL $784.50  $743.20 


 Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2011)
  At its Annual Meeting, the following Board and Advisory Committee members were recognized for their service to the Arizona State Board of Accountancy and to the CPA profession. Board members have a five-year term limit. The Board continues to receive excellent support from its advisory committee members. Many advisory committee members serve more than one-five year term. Notably, Brian R. Lee was recognized for ten years of service and continues to serve. Also, BJ Morley and Douglas L. Ball have served on the Certification and Peer Review Oversight Committees respectively for the last five years and also continue to serve. The Board would not be able to fulfill its mission without the dedication of these advisory committee and Board members who give back to their profession and in turn help protect the public.

Debbi Fitzgerald, CPA 2006 - 2011

Auditing and Accounting Advisory Committee
Brian R. Lee, CPA 2001 - 2011

Peer Review Oversight Committee
Douglas L. Ball, CPA 2006 - 2011

Certification Committee
B.J. Morley, CPA 2006 - 2011

CPE Committee
Eric S. Young, CPA 2006 - 2011
Laura F. Ward, CPA 2008 - 2011
various board and committee members receiving awards for service
 Changes to the Uniform CPA Examination (November 2010)
  Beginning January 2011, the examination partners Prometric, American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) will launch the latest Uniform CPA Exam update which includes a time change for the audit (AUD) and business and environment concepts (BEC) exam sections. Additionally, there will be a commensurate fee change effective December 4, 2010 but the overall cost of the Uniform CPA Exam essentially remains unchanged.

AUD will shorten by half hour (4.5 hours to 4 hours)
BEC will lengthen by half hour (2.5 hours to 3 hours)

 Exam Section
Current Fee 
Fee Structure 
Effective 12/4/10 
 Auditing and Attestation (AUD) $218.17  $207.15 
 Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) $174.07  $185.10 
 Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) $207.15  $207.15 
 Regulation (REG) $185.10  $185.10 
 TOTAL $784.49  $784.50 


 Firms Only Providing Non-disclosure Compilation Services
  The Peer Review Oversight Advisory Committee (PROAC) has published the following Matters for Further Consideration (MFC) list in an attempt to assist firms subject to an Educational Enhancement Review (EER). The MFC list addresses the most common findings discovered by PROAC during the EER and is broken down into four categories: Reporting, Presentation, Scope and management use only financial statement.

Matters for Further Consideration (MFC) list

The Firms tab, Peer Review page has more on firms providing non-disclosure compilation services.


 Uniform CPA Examination Fee Changes (August 2010)
  Effective August 21, 2010, fees for each section of the Uniform CPA Exam computerized based training content areas paid by candidates to the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) have been reduced and are as follows:
  • Auditing and Attestation - $218.17
  • Financial Accounting and Reporting - $207.15
  • Regulation - $185.10
  • Business Environment and Concepts - $174.07

 Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2010)
  At its Annual Meeting, the following Board and Advisory Committee members were recognized for their service to the Arizona State Board of Accountancy and to the CPA profession. Board members have a five year term limit but what is remarkable is the fact that seven of the eight advisory committee members honored have committed to serve an additional five year term. In fact, several members have already served ten years and continue to offer their service. This speaks volumes about the dedication of these individuals in supporting the public protection mission of the Arizona State Board of Accountancy and their devotion to maintaining the credibility and integrity of the CPA profession.

Samuel L. Fogleman, CPA 2005 - 2010

Auditing and Accounting Advisory Committee
Julia A. Bradbury, CPA 2005 - 2010
James C. Sell, CPA 2000 - 2010
Steven L. Tait, CPA 2000 - 2010
Scott T. Wallace, CPA 2000 - 2010

Certification Committee
Debra A. Hunter, CPA 2005 - 2010
Darlene A. Richardson, CPA 2002 - 2010

Law Review
Michael F. Magnan, CPA 2005 - 2010
Loretta Peto, CPA 2005 - 2010
various board and committee members receiving awards for service
 New Website Launched (September 2009)
  The Arizona Board of Accountancy would like to welcome you to its new website. Among other things, we have given it an updated look and feel, reorganized material by constituent group, updated content, and developed frequently asked questions to make it easier to find the things you need. We hope that you find this new website to be transparent, user friendly, and improve your experience with the Board and its staff. The goal of this new website is to serve you better so we welcome any suggestions for improvement. Please send your ideas, comments, or suggestions to . Thank you. top
 Board and Advisory Committee Members Honored (August 2009)
  At its Annual Meeting, the following Board and Advisory Committee members were recognized for their service to the Arizona State Board of Accountancy and to the CPA profession. Board members have a five year term limit but what is remarkable is the fact that nine of the eleven advisory committee members honored have committed to serve an additional five year term. In fact, one member has already served fifteen years and continues to offer his service. This speaks volumes about the dedication of these individuals in supporting the public protection mission of the Arizona State Board of Accountancy and their devotion to maintaining the credibility and integrity of the CPA profession.

Marianne E. DeVries, CPA 2004 - 2009
James E. May 2004 - 2009
Patrick J. Ramirez 2004 - 2009

Tax Advisory Committee
Robert H. Berberian, CPA 1994 - 2009
Carleen E. Shilling, CPA 2004 - 2009

Peer Review Oversight Advisory Committee
Julie P. Cauich, CPA 2004 - 2009
Eve Devolites, CPA 2004 - 2009
William C. Heimerdinger, CPA 2004 - 2009
Gary J. Wood, CPA 2004 - 2009

Law Review
William Baker, Esq. 2004 - 2009
Michael T. Daggett, CPA 2004 - 2009
Gary L. Freed, CPA 2004 - 2009
Anne Roediger, CPA 2004 - 2009
James M. Susa, Esq., CPA 1999 - 2009
various board and committee members receiving awards for service
 Exam Results (July 2009)
  The Arizona State Board of Accountancy is pleased to announce that grade results for the Uniform CPA Examination will be sent to examination candidates via email versus regular mail. This change will provide more timely information to examination candidates and create operational efficiencies and cost savings for the Board’s office. top  
 New CPE Requirements (January 2009)
  Effective January 1, 2009 all holders of an Arizona CPA certificate are required every renewal period to complete 80 hours of CPE, regardless of whether employment is in public accounting, industry, business or government. Of the 80 hours of CPE, the following is required:
  • A minimum of 16 hours of classroom or live/interactive webinar
  • A minimum of 40 hours must be in accounting, auditing, taxation, business law, or consulting services of which a minimum of 16 hours must be in the subject areas of accounting, auditing, or taxation.
For more information about CPE, please see CPE Frequently Asked Questions.